


What to Do if You Are in a Car Accident?

Stop your automobile immediately. Remain at the scene of the accident until police officer arrives, unless you are injured and need immediate medical attention. If possible, you may render aid to those who need it. Be careful not to move an injured person, as that may complicate the injury. Stay calm. Don’t argue or yell. Do not move your vehicle until the police arrive unless leaving the vehicle in its location creates a safety hazard and could cause a secondary crash.

Notify the police by calling 911.

Warn other drivers. To prevent further damage, set flares. At night you can alert other drivers with a flashlight.

Do not say you are not hurt as some injures take several days to develop.

If you have a camera in the car or on your cell phone, take overall photographs of the accident scene, property damage and anything that you think may have contributed to the accident.

Reports the proper authorities. In many states you’re required to report any collision, regardless of who’s at fault, to your motor vehicles department within a specified amount of time. Make sure that you comply with the requirements for your state.

Gather the facts. You should get names and addresses from the drivers of others involved automobiles, as well as those from any of their passengers. You should also get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses, names of any business written on the side of the vehicle that crashed into you, license numbers and tag numbers of people and cars involved. Making notes about significant circumstances concerning the collision, road condition, lighting, weather, traffic control, skid marks, point of impact, condition of driver etc.

Watch what you say. You should never admit that you are at fault, nor should you offer any opinion as to the cause of the collision. Do not make payments other parties and do not accept hurried settlements for any claim you think you might have. Cooperate with the police and tell the truth.

Notify your insurance company immediately. Remember that time is important. Call your agent immediately. If you’re unable to reach her agent, mail I come complete a collision report form as soon as possible.

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