


Injury Accident Settlement Calculation Help Near You in New Orleans, LA

In This Article

When you’re in an accident, of any type, and there is someone or something else involved – understanding your rights, what you’re entitled to for compensation, and how personal injury settlement amounts are determined are just a few questions you may be asking yourself.

There’s so much to do, from making sure your health is taken care of, visiting hospitals, doctors, physical therapists, to fixing or replacing your car in the case of a car accident – worrying about paying your bills and covering all of your future expenses should be the last thing on your mind.

There are a few ways that settlement amounts are calculated in Louisiana – and we can help you understand the ballpark of what you may be entitled to should a settlement be offered – but we can’t assist if you don’t call us!  

Why No Examples of Personal Injury Settlement Amounts?

Talking about past cases and awards or hypothetical cases can help you understand how settlement amounts are calculated both by us as we file suit, and by insurance companies as they try to pay out the minimum amount possible for your accident. While we could give you these examples, we’d much rather have a conversation and talk about possible outcomes that are more indicative of what you can expect. This helps us establish common goals and actions moving forward, without any undiscussed expectations when it comes to settlement numbers.

About Personal Injury and Car Accident Settlement Calculations:

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to calculating accident settlement amounts. The amounts we use to ballpark contain some quantifiable.  While many injury attorneys in New Orleans have calculator tools on their websites, this can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and unrealistic expectations – we’d honestly rather have a conversation with you and gather some details before we attempted to give you an idea of settlement expectations.

Tangible, quantifiable amounts:

  • Incurred Medical Bills
  • Missed Work or Lost Income due to injury/accident
  • Damage to property (Car, home, etc.)

Projected amounts:

We can ballpark the following amounts, but before we have the details of your life, injuries, damages, and future needs, this is all subject to speculation and, quite frankly, guessing without that conversation in place.

  • Future loss of work and/or income (beyond what is known at the time of calculation)
  • Future medical bills 
  • pain and another physical suffering
  • permanent physical disability or disfigurement
  • loss of family, social, and educational experiences, and
  • emotional damages resulting from any of the above.

The “General Damages Formula” 

The “General Damages Formula” comes into play for pain and suffering damages  – there’s just no way to accurately predict or give a “number” to damages like stress, pain, suffering, etc. 

The value of many soft tissue injuries is based, in part, upon the number of months the injured person treated for the injury. More permanent injuries are usually more valuable.  Of course, fault and the amount of insurance involved play a major role in any Settlement Calculation.

A great personal injury lawyer in New Orleans can maximize your injury accident settlement and protect your future.  We do not recommend trying to negotiate on your own – insurance companies and big corporations have teams of lawyers and risk management experts whose sole purpose is to save them money – whether they’re your own insurance company, or the company for the negligent party.

Call us today for a free case evaluation, we’re here to listen to the details and give you honest, experienced advice on the possible outcome.

What A Happy Client Says on Google

Charles has been amazing from the first encounter with him. Almost 4yrs ago me and my daughter were hurt on a public bus. I picked his firm out randomly on the internet best choice ever. From the first call to the moment I received my settlement he was kind, fair,and very courteous. The one thing I appreciated was he tells it like it is.. if he can't get you that anything he will tell you upfront. He gave me options everything was my choice and he never moved forward unless it was best for me. And I didn't feel cheated when the dust settled. So it was easy to pick up the phone when I got into a personal car accident. He was again honest, fair, and very helpful. He does a great job and you can rely on him to get you what you deserve! Thank you Charles I will always think of you when I need a lawyer!

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