Lyndon Southern Insurance Company
- 2020-1 complaint
- 2019-36 complaints
- 2018-83 complaints
- 2017-67 complaints
- 2016-74 complaints
Lyndon Southern Insurance Company has its administrative office at 10151 Deerwood Park Blvd Building 100 Suite 500 Jacksonville, FL 32256 and is domiciled at 1807 North Market Street in Wilmington, DE 19802. In 2016, 74 complaints were filed against Lyndon Southern with the Louisiana Insurance Commissioner and in 2017 (67), 2018 (83), 2019 (36) and in 2020 (1).
If you are involved in an accident with a Lyndon Southern Insurance Company insured driver and your claim has been denied or delayed, an experienced car insurance lawyer can ensure your rights are protected when filing an insurance claim. We care about your best interests and stand in your corner.
For more information about car insurance claims, call or email us today.