


Lake Charles, Louisiana

District 3

Louisiana Workers Compensation State Office and Louisiana Workers Compensation Court serving the following Parishes: Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis

Lake Charles, Louisiana boasts a rich history that laid the groundwork for the city’s current financial stability. Geographically and ecologically, Lake Charles began as a relatively isolated settlement, but has grown to become a hub of transportation for southwestern Louisiana. The presence of I-10 brings in highway traffic from New Orleans and Houston, and the city’s location in Calcasieu Parish gives it easy access to the Gulf of Mexico.

Lake Charles’ proximity to the Gulf is the bedrock of the city’s economy. The Port of Lake Charles is one of the largest in the United States, and stimulates intrastate and national trade in the area, in addition to providing jobs. The most visible employer and industry in the city, however, is the oil and petroleum industry; a great number of Lake Charles’ workforce are engaged offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, or on land in support positions. Without this indispensable port, the city would never have flourished as it has.

In an example of an excellent economic model, Lake Charles does not solely rely upon oil and offshore drilling. Industrial diversification has been on the rise in the area for the past several decades. Manufacturing, for example, has become such a presence in the city that it rivals the oil industry in terms of capital and employment figures. In recent years, Lake Charles has acquired several large manufacturing plants and contracts, notably from the Baton Rouge based company The Shaw Group, and Aeroframe Services LLC.

If you have any questions about your Lake Charles, Louisiana legal matter, please give Lavis Law Firm – Personal Injury & Accident Attorney a call at toll free 1-866-558-9151 or submit your inquiry online. We help people recover money from corporations, insurance companies and governments by overcoming problems, hassles and delays.

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